CineXtranscoder Error Codes
CineXtranscoder Error Codes
Error codes returned by transcoder
OutOfMemory = 1,
WrongPointer = 2,
UnsupportedFile = 3,
UnsupportedCs = 4, (unspported color space)
WrongData = 5,
DecodeFailed = 6,
Busy = 7, (file locked by another process)
UnsupportedProperty = 8,
EncodeFailed = 9,
IncompatibleFiles = 10,
NotInitialized = 11, (GPU missing or driver outdated)
NeedMoreData = 12,
NoAudio = 13,
NotEnoughSpace = 14,
ReadError = 15,
WaveReadError = 16,
UnsupportedResolution = 17,
WriteError = 18,
NoData = 19,
NotSupportedByWrappingFormat = 22,
NotAllowedConverison = 23,
UnsupportedSymbol = 24,
NotEnoughPaddings = 25,
AbortedByTheUser = 26,
Most error codes are self-explanatory. Those that are not are covered below:
Error 11 - NotInitialized
Either there is no GPU or it is an unsupported GPU (extremely old mobile GPUs, as installed in eg 2012 iMac.
It is a supported GPU but running an outdated CUDA version. The CUDA version must be 9.X or greater.