Installing CineX Suite

Installing CineX Suite

Windows Installation

Download and unzip the correct installer from the CineXtools Current Software downloads page:


Double-click the installer to run, and if Windows Defender shows the following:

Then select more info

select “Run anyway”

The installer will open. Select “Next” to install.

After the installation completes, press “Finish”.

You can now start the application from the start menu or desktop shortcut.

macOS Installation

Download the correct installer from the CineXtools Current Software downloads page:


Double click the .dmg file and drag the app to the applications folder, do not open the app from the dmg.

Next go to the applications folder on your Mac and find the app you just dragged over. When you double click it you may get this message:

This message appears because the CineX Suite was not submitted to Apple for verification but it is perfectly safe. To bypass this message simply right click on the app in the applications folder and from the right click menu choose open.

You should receive one more dialog like the one above, again just choose open. You should no longer receive these dialogs when opening the app in the future.


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