Tools - Quickstart Guide

Tools - Quickstart Guide

CineXtools Overview

Download and unzip the correct installer from the CineX Suite Current Software downloads page:



Insert Edit: Make quick changes to video, audio, or timecode in closed, flat final delivery files.

Insert: Multiple-Source Single Target: Insert multiple files into a single target file based on their source timecode

Extract Audio to File: Create WAV files using the audio tracks in the file

Trim & Extend: Add or remove blacks from a program. Trim or extend file dura-tion.

Rewrap & Audio Versioning: Prepare files for insert edit, or flatten files that were exported incorrectly, including making changes to audio track layouts and adding a caption track to the file.

UK DPP AS-11 Metadata Editor: Modify AS-11 DPP metadata without re-encoding

Closed Captions Editor: Add or modify file captions without re-encoding

Create Insert Media: Create black/silent “striped” files for “tape-style” mastering workflows.


Important note about file types:

There are many hundreds of combinations of codec, wrapper, bit depth, audio layout, audio bit depth, audio sample rate, etc etc etc. There are also dozens of applications that generate these files, many of which are legacy and produce outmoded files. People also simply make mistakes when exporting. So, if your file doesn’t open and you think it should, it’s probably got something weird about it that we have not yet encountered and thus haven’t made allowance for. If this happens, usually we can add support for it in a few days at most, and sometimes within hours....

Just ask...don’t assume that because it plays somewhere else, especially in the creating app, that it’s not weird or incorrectly made.

If running into issues with CineXtools on an Apple Silicon Mac (M1, M2, M3) please take a look at Troubleshooting cineXsuite on Apple Silicon Chips

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