Insert: Multiple-Source Single Target

Insert: Multiple-Source Single Target


Inserting multiple source files into a single target file

  1. In the multi-source single target tab load your target file into the record window on the right

  2. Next drop the files you’d like to insert into the empty space on the left. CineXtools will use the source timecode as the drop-in timecode. If the patch file’s source timecode lines up with the target file you will see an arrow appear in the timeline on the right indicating where the file will be inserted. If the patch file’s source timecode doesn’t align with the target file the in and out timecode next to the patch file will appear red. If you’d like to use a different timecode as your in timecode, switch the tc source from patch to user, this will allow you to type in your own in point for the patch.

  3. Once you have all of your patches loaded and at the correct timecode, make sure that there’s no timecode overlap between patches as this will cause them to overwrite each other. Now select whether you’d like to do an insert (modify the currently loaded target file) or an insert with rewrap (generate a new file with the insert in the same folder), choose whether you’d like to insert video, audio, captions or all three and if you’re inserting audio make sure to set up your audio mapping. Then when you do your insert either select insert all to insert every loaded patch or click only the ones you’d like to insert and choose insert selected.

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