Create a Cinedeck USB restore
Please have a 64GB+ USB stick ready. Format it FAT32. You can download and use this utility to format a USB to FAT32 partition guiformat.exe
Download files for your Cinedeck machine. Please wait for each file to download before proceeding to the next.
After all files are downloaded, You will need to install 7-zip to extract the archive.
Open the file only ending in “.001”
Extract all the folders and files to the USB stick by selecting them and dragging it to the empty USB drive.
Once unzip process is completed, it automatically starts copying over to the USB drive
On a PC system, Open command prompt. Type command in the windows search box. Right click command prompt and click on run as administrator.
Type and click enter after each line:
f:(or whatever letter drive the USB stick is allocated)
cd utils\win64
makeboot64.batPress any key to continue.
Press any key to continue to make USB bootable.
Press any key to exit this window if you were successful in making the USB bootable.
Close the Command prompt window.
Safely eject the USB stick from the computer. The USB is now ready.