Avid Media Composer Insert Plugin

Avid Media Composer Insert Plugin

Please note that generating Padded ProRes and insertable H.264 media out of Media Composer is a free function of the plug-in and does not require a license.

Please see release notes here

Download the correct installer from the CineX Suite Current Software downloads page:


Codecs Supported for Insert

Generating Padded ProRes (No license required)

For Media Composer users, in the export dialog click options. From the drop down choose CinedeckExport. Choose the appropriate settings for your ProRes file. Once exported you will have a padded ProRes file that you can insert into using the Avid Plugin or CineXtools.

Generating Insertable H.264 (No license required)

In the export dialog click options. From the drop down choose CinedeckExport. Choose the appropriate settings for your exported H.264 file. Once exported you will have an H.264 file that you can insert into using the Avid Plugin or CineXtools.

Insert Editing into a file from Avid Media Composer (License required)

After setting in/out points in the timeline:

  1. Select file>output>export to file

2. Select “options” and pick CinedeckInsert. Select whether to use marks (in/out points), whether you want all or just selected tracks, and the insert type. (video, audio, CC)

3. Save and close the file export options window

4. In the export window, do nothing except press save. Do not change the sequence name, and do not select your target file. Press open.

5. In the file selection dialog that pops up NOW select your target file.

6. Now the frames will be exported into the file

Exporting a file from Avid with closed captions (License required)

In Media Composer select export-> export to file. Then click options and choose CinedeckExport. Make the following selections to export your file with a CC track. You can also convert a 608 cc to 708 on export or add an empty captions track if you’d like to add the captions at a later time. Unfortunately, you cannot add captions from a sidecar such as an SCC file through the plug-in, to do this you will have to use the full version of CineXtools.

Exporting an XDCAM MOV file

To export an XDCAM .mov file make sure the following items are checked off in the Export tool:


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