CineX Meta Release Notes

CineX Meta Release Notes

Version 1.9.98 Official Release

Major updates:

Added support for H264 mp4, mov and m4v
Added drag-n-drop support to player


Bug fixes and minor updates:
[SME-232] Index table edit fix
[SME-228] Write moov atom to the end of file, add support for ISO Language tags
[SME-218] Disabled MXF audio labels if haven't space to expand metadata
[SME-220][SME-221][SME-222] Fixed audio languages and audio track names
[SME-103] UI fixes
[SME-HOTFIX] Fixed handling of soundfield groups
[SME-219] Fixed Windows Server 2019 startup issue
[SME-199][SME-217] Metadata Edits to MOV files created in Flame
[SME-216] Fixed Prores colorspace parsing for certain files
[SME-212] Fixed MOV timecode restripe
[SME-194] Added support for “EXDID” h264 audio labels
[SME-209] Added one frame playback
[SME-166] Added player drag'n'drop
[SME-204] Rollback audio label settings
[SME-195] Disable scan order editing for AVC
[SME-196] Allow mxf, mov metadata edit if user has CXT std license.

[SME-196]Allow DPP metadata edit if user has AVC license
[SME-192] Media with only one video channel metadata render
[SME-178] MP4 wrapper support

Version 1.9.96 Official Release

[SME-82] Fixed non-Latin track name handling
[SME-104] Added validation of DPP frame rate and scan type
[SME-132] File opening optimization
[SME-158] Fixed CLAP atom right, bottom, top validation
[SME-162} Disconnected “scan type” and “fps” editing
[SME-173] Fixed DNxHD scantype editing
[SME-175] Fixed color range validation for DNxHR HQX
[SME-170] Added disabling of CLAP values for CLAP “novalue” preset
[SME-171] Fixed UI label for MOV audio language
[SME-172] Fixed scan type editing from interlaced to progressive
[SME-174] Prohibited FPS editing for files with variable stts sample duration to prevent mis-formed files.
[SME-167] HDR luminance edit support
[SME-133] Fixed law rating editing for MXF
[SME-147] Fixed Reel ID editing for file with 0 audio channels
[SME-94] Fixed color range issues
[SME-130] Fixed law rating “reserved type” validation
[SME-145] Fixed reel ID preservation on commit
[SME-134] Added MXF Audio Languages Editing

Version 1.9.96 beta-139

Added support for single-button delete of MOV atoms

Version 1.9.96 beta-127

SME-162 FIEL issue for some legacy files resolved

Version 1.9.96 beta-126

SME-162/163 – FPS and FIEL atom are currently disabled while addressing some issues with legacy files

SME-169 – Timecode Restripe feature is not yet enabled

SME-167 – Error in some MDCV values for validation.




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