Video Insert

Video Insert

As with CineXtools, when inserting into a ProRes or H.264 the files must have been generated as padded files (CBR) for the insert to work. For H.264, the insertable file must have been generated by CineXtranscoder and only video can be inserted, audio is not supported

The video insert node allows you to do the same kind of video insert that can be done in CineXtools but unlike CineXtools, you can’t specify an in or out point and timecode must match between the source and insert file. This means that if the insert file needs to be trimmed and/or have timecode restriped you’ll want to run that in a group of nodes before doing your video insert.

To specify the directory where the insert file is located click the browse button and navigate to the file.

The insert action is destructive, meaning it will modify your original file. To maintain your original file when performing this action make sure to add a copy file node before performing the action.

Insert file name refers the name of the file you are trying to insert from. So for example if your insert directory has 3 files in it, in the Insert file name field you would put the name of the individual file you’re trying to insert from (without the file extension). So for example if the file you were trying to insert is named airportWalkingHD.mxf you would put airportWalkingHD.

If you have many source files and different files you’d like to insert into them, if you name the insert files with the same name as the source files and leave the name pattern as the default “[filename],” the program will match the source files up to their patches, allowing you to perform a different insert on many files at once.

Lastly you want to check the box for which type of insert you’d like to perform.

For a video insert, the resolution and frame rate of the source and insert file must be the same but the codec may be different. Timecode must also be consistent between the files (DF/NDF) and must match at the point in the file that you’re inserting. The target file must also be long enough for the insert file to be placed at the corresponding timecode. So for example if you try to insert a file that begins at 01:00:30:00 into a file that begins at 01:00:00:00, the inserted file will appear at 30 seconds into the target file. But if both your target and insert file are one minute in length and you try to insert the file 30 seconds in, the insert will fail because it doesn't have enough timecode to complete the insert.

For an audio insert, the audio track types between your target and insert file must match. So for example you can only insert a file with stereo audio into another file with stereo audio.

For closed captions insert both 608 and 708 captions are supported but keep in mind that target file must already have a captions track for the insert to work.


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