Windows System Settings

Windows System Settings

To prevent Windows from running background tasks that may add load to your system and cause recording errors the Windows OS need to be “hardened”, please disable the following:

  • Disable Auto Updates

Many variables can affect whether issues arise including the order in which updates are done and whether Microsoft has been made aware of any issues.  For this reason we strongly suggest that if any updates are installed, they are done from the "Rollup" versions rather than piecemeal, as typically Microsoft has had the opportunity to fix known issues by the time the "Rollup" versions are released.  Eg "Cumulative Security Rollup"

We do generally recommend that NO updates are installed during or right before important productions and that only security updates are installed in any case.  There is no need to update Windows features and if there were, we would specify an update to use.


  • Disable/Remove the page/swap file

  • Disable Windows fast startup


Enable the following:

  • Check that your system can access network storage via the firewall

  • Recommend Norton antivirus