How to find and provide Dump files.
When requesting support, Cinedeck will often ask you to provide log or dump files. That helps us troubleshoot your system.
A few important notes:
Dump Files are found in: C:\Program Files\Cinedeck\cinedeck_server_[Version]\dump
The Cinedeck systems are constantly logging events. Therefore, your unit may have many log files.
They are identified with date and time stamps. So, please assure you have selected the appropriate files.
Zip the files using any standard compression application such as 7zip or WinZip. You can also do this from the Cinedeck system.
Select the required files, right click, and select “Send to” > “Compressed (zipped) folder”.
To request support, please use the Support Request Form. You can upload your zipped log and/or dump files via the form.