Presets Overview

Presets Overview


Configuring the Client for Simple Crash & Scheduled Record

Quickstart Index

Presets contain all the settings related to physical connections to the deck for video, audio and timecode as well as settings for the files that are created during the record process.

Conceptually speaking, a preset is a way to store this information in a way that is easily shared across inputs and decks in a multicam environment.

Presets assume by default that all of the sources will be the same resolution, color space and frame rate, timecode source, etc. and will share most other attributes such as naming, audio routing and output overlays. This is consistent with a typical multicam setup.

It is possible, however, to use presets in environments where most settings are shared, but some inputs might have a different resolution, for instance mixed HD and SD cameras. This is relatively common where there are a variety of cameras used for different purposes, but the recordings still share most parameters where possible such as codec, wrapper, timecode source and naming.

Once a preset’s default settings have been applied to an input, most of the settings can deviate from the base preset. Most commonly, audio routing may differ between ISOs where the ISO recordings are being used as backup for the audio console recordings.

Any setting for a given input that has been changed from the base preset is marked with yellow text. If more than one input needs to deviate in the same way, the deviated settings can be copied from one input to one or more other inputs.



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