OLDSRT Caller mode with Media Connect
Let's get started!
Please either create a Flow or use the existing one in the section ‘Media connect’ - https://cinedeck.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CDK/pages/1392771073
Be sure there is a signal coming to the Input
Get the IP and Port from Media connect Output to generate the url for Cinedeck (Listener address and port info on the screenshot):
Please note, Step 3 and Step 4 should be already in place! This is just a reminder for you to set them up.
3. Open Cinedeck client - add deck. Then choose Input source - Configure Input source - Add deck. Please enter the IP address of the deck and click Save:
4. Drag and Drop Inputs for channels
5. Open Preset settings - Input tab and select SRT caller as an Input type:
5. Enter SRT address in the following format srt://<ip>:<port> (for example: srt:// These parameters can be found on step 3
6. Select resolution and framerate and get a stream. SRT Caller button becomes green once all is set (see the bottomline of the window on the screenshot below):
Now your SRT Caller mode is connected via Media Connect.