Server Licensing - old

Server Licensing - old

Licensing the server

If you bought the unit secondhand, please contact sales@cinedeck.com to register and get it up to date with support.

If you are upgrading the software version, you only need to copy the license.data file from the previous server installation folder inside C:\Program Files\Cinedeck to the newly installed server folder.


On first startup, the application will then open the EULA. Scroll through it and select “accept” if you would like to proceed.

If your product is already registered (by default this is done for you unless you bought it used) Press the “already registered” choice to proceed and the application will open.

The application will then start up if there is a license file already.

If not, the first time the application is run no license will be detected and a dialog will appear requiring action.

Note! If you have already licensed one version of the software on any given machine, you can just copy the license.data file from a previous Server installation to any other Server installation on the same machine.

For now, copy the challenge code and email to sales@cinedeck.com along with the serial number of the unit and support status.

You will receive an email back with a licence file, which you can select in this dialogue box and apply.


Once pasted, select “apply license key” and the application should open to the normal default state.


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