

Input Source SRT Caller:

Cindeck supports Constant Bitrate SRT sources in SD, HD & UHD TV video resolutions and frame rates.

SRT is supported for H264 and H265 in an MTS wrapper.

Zixi and other containers may be added later. If you have particular needs, please contact sales@cinedeck.com.

Stream should be set to CBR on the encoding device. VBR sources are not currently supported.

SRT Caller mode requires the user to know the public IP address and correct port for the SRT source. If encryption is enabled on the source device/encoder, enter the passphrase in the SRT Passphrase field.

Audio source should also be set to SRT.

Input Source SRT Listener:

SRT is supported for H264 and H265 in an MTS wrapper.

Zixi and other containers may be added later. If you have particular needs, please contact sales@cinedeck.com.

Stream should be set to CBR on the encoding device. VBR sources are not currently supported.

SRT Listener requires the user to enter both the Cinedeck’s public IP address and correct port for the input channel on the Cinedeck.

If encryption is enabled on the encoder, the SRT Passphrase can be entered here.

The port for input channel 1 on the Cinedeck is 9000, and each subsequent channel’s port is 9000 +N-1, 2 is 9001, 3 is 9002, etc.

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