In the scenario tab by default you will only see a “default” scenario. You can either use that default scenario with the option to rename it in the file menu under rename scenario or you can create an entirely new scenario by choosing new scenario from the file menu. As Any changes you make changes to your scenario you’ll want to save it the scenario will be saved when you close the program, but if you'd like to export a scenario you can do so by choosing File>Save and choosing a name for the scenario. Changes to the scenario are not saved by ConneX unless you choose to save so make sure to save often.
Closing and reopening ConneX will clear all previously loaded scenarios but any scenario can be reloaded from its saved state by choosing File>Open and choosing the saved scenario.
Multiple scenarios can be run simultaneously so for example if you have a watch folder set up but you’d like to start another workflow, simply switch scenarios and hit the start button, both scenarios will run simultaneously.