ZX85 Initial Setup

ZX85 Initial Setup

On receipt of your new Server before powering on you will need to ensure you have removed any safety packaging from inside the deck that has been installed to secure during shipping. 

You are then ready to connect and power on your deck, the deck comes installed with windows server and will auto sign in, the Server application will also be preinstalled.

Next you will need to set up the network, by default this is set to DHCP we suggest using a static IP address if possible. 

Take a note of the IP address as you will need this for the Client application. 

You now need to install the client application on any machines that will be accessing the deck or decks. 

Download the client application here.

Video quick start guide: Cinedeck Client Software

Watching the Video Quickstart Guide will be helpful for understanding the next concepts.

Note: all of the of the following are parts of the Client application.

User permissions 

From here you can set what permissions you give to each predefined user. 

SuperAdmin - Can apply what all other users can Control, View and Set Passwords

Admin - If given the access by the Superuser you can also apply access to controls, view and set passwords for the operators.

Operator - Access set by Superuser.

User Permissions

Once the application is installed and you have set your user permissions you then need to add the deck.

(NB. you can add multiple decks to be managed from the client application)


Adding the deck to the client application.

Click on the Input Sources (setting icon)

Access Input Sources

Then click on + to open the Add Deck window from here you will need to enter the IP address of the deck on your network once found the Name will automatically generate from the deck, however you can change this to anything you would like. 

You then select the deck from the dropdown list and Input ID.

If you have multiple decks add them here in the same way. . 

Input Sources Deck Control 

From here you can restart or shutdown the ingest server as well as restart or exit the server application. You can also see local / mounted storage volumes and available disk space. 

Preview Setup / Assign Inputs 

Depending on the number of decks you are controlling or monitoring you can preview anything from One to Sixteen inputs. 



To add an input to a preview window simply drag and drop for it to be displayed. 

All displayed inputs are streamed to the client via HTTP from the server UI