Return to installation guide

Please note that CD2 has not been tested with AMD processors or GPUs

To use CD2 without hardware I/O, a config.ini file must be added to the application folder. [download]

Copy the config.ini to: C:\Program Files\Cinedeck\cinedeck_server_[version.number]

eg: C:\Program Files\Cinedeck\cinedeck_server_2.0.6

CD2 Server:

Hardware minimum requirements for Windows:






Software minimum requirements for Windows:


Gen 9 or later i7 or i9 CPU with Quicksync Video [use Cinedeck RX/i7i9 installer]


Gen 9 or later i7/i9 CPU without Quicksync Video and Nvidia GPU [use Cinedeck RX/i7i9 installer]


Xeon CPU with Nvidia GPU [use Cinedeck MX/Xeon installer]


Windows 10 Professional, Enterprise or Windows Server 2019

Latest Microsoft MSVC C++ redistributables [download link]

Windows DirectX [DirectX runtime web installer download link]

CD2 Client:

Software minimum requirements for Windows:


Software minimum requirements for OSX:


Windows 10 Professional, Enterprise or Windows Server 2019

Latest Microsoft MSVC C++ redistributables [download link]


Mac OSX 10.15 Catalina or newer