The scale node is just like the transcode node in that it allows you to change the video codec (ProRes, DNX, H.264) and wrapper (mov, mxf) of your source file but it also allows you to change along with the resolution.
Use target directory to specify the directory where you want your transcoded file written and in the name pattern field you can specify the new name for your transcoded file. By default the new name is set to [filename] which refers to the name of your source file. If you are not changing the wrapper, for example transcoding a DNX36 MOV to a ProRes MOV keep in mind that if you don’t make any changes to the name pattern and place the new file in the same directory as the source file, it will overwrite your source file. For the name pattern you can either replace the file name entirely or if you want to append it you can simply add text after [filename]. So if your source file is named “Weekend_Performance” and you use the name pattern [filename]_transcoded, your transcoded file will be named Weekend_Performance_transcoded.
In this folder you’ll find audio configuration files for discrete, interleaved, mono and stereo. Choose the audio config that you’d like your new file to have. When the rewrap is performed, if necessary an audio mix down will be done so that you source file for example with 8 channels of audio will be made into a transcoded file with stereo audio.